fondsgesellschaften - SynoFin Risikomanagement Service AG

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Our Services for
Fund are faced with a wide range of risk management tasks at company, portfolio and investment level. Our scalable, modular, certified solutions and services cover all business model-specific and regulatory requirements.

Market- and Liquidy Risk

The RiskMan basic module covers all your risk calculation and reporting requirements according to AIFMG and UCITSG. The processing and calculation processes are ISAE3000/3402-certified and deliver stable and exact results for both standard and derivative financial instruments. Sophisticated dashboards enable you to dynamically and purposefully manage and simulate risk management strategies according to key figures of your portfolios or financial instruments.

Investment Compliance

With the RiskMan Investment Compliance module, you can obtain results on compliance or restriction's violation at company-, fund- and financial instrument-level at the push of a button. Regulatory, fund-specific and company-internal limits can be started online at any time as a pre-trade check by adding planned trades to existing portfolios.

Backtesting and Stress Tests

In backtesting, you receive a comparison between calculated and actual volatility for each point in time of valuation, enabling you to evaluate your planned risk exposure on the basis of the respective injuries in relation to the actual development and to use it at regular intervals for model evaluation.
In addition to over 100 stress scenarios, RiskMan's Worst-Case-Finder gives you the unique opportunity to calculate the realistic and largest possible stress scenario for each portfolio.

SCR Calculation and Reporting

The SCR module makes it possible to calculate the interest rate risk, equity risk, real estate risk, spread risk, exchange rate risk and concentration risk categories summarised under Solvency II Market Risk. SCR interest rate risk is calculated automatically using the monthly published EIOPA interest rate curves. The results are available in reports, RiskMan-online as well as in TPT standard.

SRRI Calculation

With the RiskMan add-on module SRRI, you can check whether the SRRI fund value currently calculated on the basis of the NAV history (CESR/10-673) conforms to the law with the published SRRI. As part of the automated Sliding Window Test in the 4-month viewing window, you make a decision regarding to the adjustment of your investment universe and/or KIID.

Risk Control and -simulation

With our dashboards, you can analyze, simulate and control your risks at portfolio and ratio level. The ability to flexibly and dynamically adopt different perspectives and levels is ideal for interactive opinion-forming and decision-making, both individually and as a team.

Risk Management Delegation

As an FMA-approved risk manager according to AIFMG, we can completely take over your operational risk management in the sense of outsourcing. If required, we accompany you during the application process and then in daily operations in all relevant risk management issues, both in accordance with UCITSG and AIFMG. We offer operational stability and high quality and ensure that you are always compliant in risk management.

Corporate Risk - opRisk Tool

A systematic assessment of the risk situation is carried out at least once a year and a corresponding risk report prepared for the company's management and the auditors.
With the opRisk tool, the risk potential relevant to your business model and the relevant risk categories are developed and evaluated in a 2 hour long risk assessment.
The Corporate Risk Report is available to you at the push of a button.

Risk Training

Experienced risk management practitioners provide you with an overview of relevant risk management topics tailored to your needs and business model. Both in-house and organized through your association.

Modul 1: Risk Management Basics
Modul 2: Corporate Risk Analysis
Modul 3: Market Risk Management
Modul 4: Risik Management of Struktured Products

Are you interested or do you have any questions?
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